I started the Google Certification Academy in 2013. Since then I have helped thousands of educators earn their Google certification.
I am passionate about helping teachers like YOU become Google certified. It changed my life and I think it could do the same for you.
These are some common questions people ask about the Google Educator exam.
- Is the certification exam open book?
- What score do I need to pass the L1 test?
- What’s on the level 2 exam?
- How do I study for the Google Educator exam?
- What happens if I fail an exam?
Here are honest answers to the most common certification questions that I get asked.
If you have a question that I missed you can leave a comment or ask me directly on Twitter (@jrsowash)
Table of Contents
- General Questions
- Level 1 exam questions
- Level 2 exam questions
- Certified Trainer questions
- Certified Innovator questions

What is a Google Certified educator?
A Google Certified Educator has passed a rigorous certification exam that verifies their ability to use Google products like Google Drive, Classroom, and YouTube in a classroom setting.
Download my free certification guide to learn more!
How many Google certifications are there?
Google began offering educator certifications around 2007 and has expanded its program to include seven separate certifications:
- Google Educator level 1
- Google Educator level 2
- Google Certified Trainer
- Google Certified Innovator
- Google Certified Coach
- ChromeOS Certified Administrator*
- Professional Google Workspace Administrator*
These certifications verify that an individual can use Google products such as Google Drive, Classroom, and YouTube in a classroom setting.
*these are technical certifications designed for IT administrators or anyone who uses the Google Admin console to manage users and devices.
How many certified educators are there?
Google does not share the exact number of certifications it has awarded.
In late 2016 Google revealed that there were 21,000 level 1 certified educators, 5,000 level 2 certified educators, and approximately 1,500 certified trainers.
In 2018 the total number of level 1 and 2 certifications was reported at 33,500 from 81 countries.
Updated figures have not been provided for 2023.
What are the benefits of becoming a Google Certified Educator?
Nothing magical happens when you earn your Google Certification, but the process will help you deepen your use of technology in the classroom and quantify your skills as a teacher.
Many school districts are specifically looking to hire educators with experience using Google Classroom, Drive, Chromebooks, etc. Having a certification verifies your experience with these products.
Working on your certification with a group of like-minded educators is the best way to get certified. You can start a study group at your school, or join the next cohort of the Google Certification Academy.
I compiled a more detailed list of benefits in my free certification guide.

Is the Google Educator exam hard?
The certification process is rigorous. Most individuals will need to spend time preparing for the certification exam in order to be successful.
The amount of study that is required will vary based on your familiarity with Google Workspace for Education.
If you are familiar with Gmail, Drive, Calendar, Classroom, etc, you may be able to pass the exam with little additional study.
For many teachers, summer is the best time to work on earning a certification which is when you can attend the Google Certification Academy.
I’m a pre-service teacher. Should I get Google certified?
Absolutely! Anyone can take the Google Educator certification exam. Becoming Google certified is a concrete way to show your ability to use technology as an instructional tool.
Is there a Google Certification for IT administrators?
Yes, Google currently offers two certifications for IT administrators:
These certifications will test your ability to use the Google Admin Console to manage users and devices.
If you would like to learn more about the Google Admin Console, check out the Google Admin Bootcamp and the Chromebook Academy, my comprehensive courses for IT administrators.
Can anyone become Google Certified?
Yes, anyone can take the Google Educator exams however, these tests have been specifically written for practicing educators.
The test questions and format are specifically written for classroom teachers. Without classroom experience, it will be difficult to apply your knowledge of Google Workspace products in an unfamiliar setting.
Principals, superintendents, and other school-based personnel will find value in this program. Business professionals outside of the field of education should look at Google’s professional certification program.
Should I encourage all of my teachers to get certified?
While every teacher can benefit from learning how to use technology in the classroom, not everyone will benefit from the actual certification.
The Google Certification process takes time and is very rigorous. Requiring certification may not lead to the end result you are looking to achieve.
I recommend that you read this blog post on requiring teachers to become Google Certified.

How much does the level 1 Google Educator exam cost?
The level one exam can be purchased for $10. You can take the level 1 exam up to three times in one year. The level 1 certification is valid for 36 months.
What is the format of the level 1 exam?
The certification exam contains 35 multiple-choice and matching questions. There is a large question bank so you are unlikely to see the same questions if you take the exam more than once.
The level 1 exam is open book, but it is timed, so you need to work efficiently.
Each exam question is focused on the use of Google tools in the classroom. Be attentive to the wording of these questions
Check out this blog post for sample questions and more details on the exam format.
Are there scenarios on the L1 Google educator exam?
No. Google removed the scenarios in 2021. The current exam consists entirely of multiple-choice and matching questions.
When Google removed the scenarios, they also added new, more challenging multiple-choice questions.
Is the L1 exam open book?
Yes. Google’s exam policy does not forbid test takers from performing research while taking the level 1 exam.
The exam policy does restrict the following behaviors:
- Providing or receiving assistance from an individual during the exam
- Using unauthorized materials such as actual test questions provided by another test-taker.
- Hacking the exam site to alter or view exam questions or answers
The certification exam policy does not indicate that the test is closed book, as long as you follow the restrictions listed above.
What kind of questions are on the exam?
The level 1 exam contains 35 multiple-choice and matching questions. You should expect to receive questions on each of the core Google Workspace products including Gmail, Drive, Calendar, Classroom, and Meet.
I created a free study guide that lists the key skills that are assessed on the Level 1 exam which you can download here.
How is the L1 exam scored? Will I receive feedback?
The level 1 google educator exam is kind of like the ACT or SAT test…you get a score, but you don’t get to see how you did on specific questions.
A minimum score of 80% is required to pass the level 1 exam.
If you don’t pass, you will receive vague suggestions on which areas you need to improve in order to pass on your second attempt.
I had issues with my exam…who do I contact?
Fill out this support form if you experience technical issues with your exam. This form is for technical problems such as getting logged out of the exam, or not receiving your exam results.
At this time, Google does not provide a method of disputing exam results or requesting score adjustments.
If you have concerns about the exam content, you will have an opportunity to share your thoughts by completing a post-exam survey. This survey is accessible at the end of the L1 exam.
What if I don’t pass my L1 exam? Can I take the exam again?
The exams are challenging. Many educators do not pass the Level 1 and 2 exams the first time.
There is a waiting period between each exam retake:
- Second attempt: 3 days
- Third attempt: 7 days
- Fourth attempt: 14 days
- Fifth attempt: 30 days
You must re-purchase the exam each time you make an attempt.
It is not uncommon for individuals to take the exam twice; rarely will someone need to take it three times. Don’t give up if you don’t pass on your first attempt!
When does my Google educator certification expire?
Level 1 and level 2 Google educator certifications are valid for 36 months. The expiration date for your certification is listed on your exam certificate.

How much does the level 2 Google Educator exam cost?
The level one exam can be purchased for $25. You can take the level 2 exam up to three times in one year. The level 2 certification is valid for 36 months.
What is the format of the Google Educator exams?
The certification exams (level 1 and 2) contain 35 multiple-choice and matching questions. There is a large question bank so you are unlikely to see the same questions if you take the exam more than once.
The exam is open book, but it is timed, so you need to work efficiently.
Each exam question is focused on the use of Google tools in the classroom. Be attentive to the wording of these questions
Check out this blog post for sample questions and more details on the exam format.
Are there scenarios on the Google educator exam?
Google no longer includes scenarios on the L2 test. The current exam consists entirely of multiple-choice and matching questions.
When Google removed the scenarios, they also added new, more challenging multiple-choice questions.
Can I look things up during the exam?
Yes. Google’s exam policy does not forbid test takers from performing research while taking the level 2 exam.
The exam policy does restrict the following behaviors:
- Providing or receiving assistance from an individual during the exam
- Using unauthorized materials such as actual test questions provided by another test-taker.
- Hacking the exam site to alter or view exam questions or answers
The certification exam policy does not indicate that the test is closed book, as long as you follow the restrictions listed above.
What kind of questions are on the level 2 exam?
The level 2 exam contains 35 multiple-choice and matching questions. You should expect to receive questions on each of the core Google Workspace products (Gmail, Drive, Calendar, Classroom, Meet, etc), AND some lesser-known tools such as Google Scholar, My Maps, Jamboard, and Google Trends.
The L2 exam is definitely harder than the L1 exam.
I created a free study guide that lists the key skills that are assessed on the Level 2 exam which you can download here.
What is the minimum passing score on the L2 exam?
A minimum score of 80% is required to pass the level 2 exam.
While you will see your score, you will not be able to see the results of individual questions.
I had issues with the L2 exam…do I do?
Fill out this support form if you experience technical issues with the L2 exam.
Technical issues are rare, but they do occur.
If you have concerns about the exam content, you will have an opportunity to share your thoughts by completing a post-exam survey. This survey is only accessible at the end of the exam.
What if I fail my educator exam?
First, take a deep breath. You will be okay! Approximately 30% of individuals who take the level 1 exam do not pass the first time.
Reflect on the exam. What areas did you find challenging? Which questions surprised you? These are likely the areas that you need to work on.
You have to wait 3 days before you can register to take the exam again. Spend this time practicing and exploring the products and features you struggled with.
Take the exam again. The majority of people pass the second time.
If you would like to work with a group before you take the test a second time, consider signing up for the next cohort of the Google Certification Academy!

What is a Google Certified Trainer?
Google Certified trainers are individuals who are highly qualified to provide professional development and support to schools that are using Google Workspace for Education.
Certified Trainers complete a rigorous process that verifies their knowledge AND ability to deliver high-quality professional development.
Certified trainers can provide professional development at their own school or paid consulting services to districts, businesses, and organizations.
How do you become a Certified Trainer?
The Certified Trainer program is the most rigorous certification that Google offers.
To become a certified trainer, you must first pass the L1 AND L2 certification exams.
You must also pass the trainer essential exam, a short multiple-choice assessment that focuses on educational technology policies and regulations.
The final step is to submit a trainer application which consists of answers to written questions and a pre-recorded video.
What is on the trainer essentials exam?
As a certified trainer, you will be providing guidance to schools that are making policy decisions on the use of educational technology. Google wants to ensure that all certified trainers understand how Google complies with regulations such as CIPA and FERPA.
The trainer essentials exam is a series of multiple-choice and matching questions that assesses your knowledge of regulations and policies related to the use of educational technology.
How much does the trainer essentials exam cost?
The trainer essentials exam can be purchased for $15. This exam is for individuals who wish to become Google Certified Trainers which also requires a valid level 1 and 2 certifications.
My Certified Trainer application was rejected. What do I do?
This is not uncommon. The review criteria for the certified trainer program is rigorous. The most common reason that applications are rejected is a lack of training experience. Google wants to see that you have experience creating, leading, and organizing professional development events with other educators.
I recommend that you provide documentation for a minimum of 12 PD activities that you have organized during a 12-month period. This is not a requirement, just a suggestion.
When does my certified trainer certificate expire?
Certified trainers must complete a product update exam annually to maintain their certification. Certified Trainers must also log 12 training activities each year to maintain their certification.
Detailed information on the re-certification requirements is available inside fo the Google Certified Trainer community.
Note: the recertification process has been suspended for 2021 and 2022 as a result of the COVID pandemic.
How do I re-certify as a Google Certified educator?
To re-certify you must take the level 1 or level 2 exam again. The exam is regularly updated to reflect changes to the Google Workspace for Education.

What is a Google for Education Certified Innovator?
Google Certified Innovators are educators who are passionate about making a difference in their community and the field of education.
Innovators seek creative solutions to complex challenges and work together to improve education locally and globally through collaborative innovation projects.
How do I become a Certified Innovator?
The Google Certified Innovator program is an application-based program. Only 50 individuals are selected to attend each academy.
You must have a valid Level 2 Google educator certification in order to apply to the innovator academy.
The application consists of essay questions, a video, and a presentation in which you outline a challenge that you would like to work to solve.
Click here to view the requirements for the Innovator academy and start your application.
When is the next innovator academy?
Google announces the dates and deadlines for the Innovator program in the spring.
There are typically 2-4 innovator academies each year at locations around the globe.
Click here to view the dates for the next Innovator program.