
50 Level 1 Certification Tips (From Google Certified Educators)
April 13, 2018
admin, blog, Certification, Level 1, Level 2
The community of Google Certified Educators is awesome! Here are their top level 1 certification tips… One of the top reasons to become a Google Certified Educator is so that you can join thousands of amazing educators from around the world. This group is full of ideas, suggestions and resources. Got a question? Post it […]

Google Educator Exam FAQ
May 11, 2017
admin, blog, Certification, Level 1, Level 2
The most common questions everyone is asking. Here is our list of Google educator exam FAQ. We have helped thousands of educators become Google Certified. Here are some of the most common questions that they ask. Free Google Educator Course Let us help you with your certification – sign up for our free certification email […]