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Quick Guide
All 5 Google Certifications Explained
Here’s your quick guide to all 5 Google Certifications!
So, you’re interested in getting Google Certified? Awesome!
This post will give you a detailed overview of all 5 Google Certifications so that you will know exactly what to expect on your certification exam.
There is a lot to consider, so I have carefully reviewed the Google Education Training center to develop this side-by-side comparison of all five certifications.
You can read all of the information here on this page or you can download this Google certification guide as a PDF and take it with you![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Let’s get started![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Google Certified Educator – Level 1
The level 1 certification was created for the classroom teacher (That’s you!).
Before you take your level 1 exam you should be comfortable using using G Suite for Education, Google Classroom, and Chromebooks.
You don’t have to be an expert, but you should be very comfortable with the basics.
Level 1 Exam Details:
- Products included on the exam: Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Drawing, Google Classroom, Hangouts, Sites, Groups, Chrome.
- Exam Format: 15-20 questions (matching, ordering, multiple-choice) + 10-12 practical exam scenarios
- Exam Fee: $10
- Time Limit: 180 minutes
- Scoring: Pass/Fail
- Retesting Rules: 3 times in one calendar year
- Certification Length: 36 months (re-take exam to re-certify)
Google Certified Educator – Level 2
The level 2 certification is a step up from the level 1 exam.
It requires a deeper knowledge and integration of the primary Google products as well as use of secondary products like Blogger, Google Books, and Google Maps.
Don’t take the level 2 exam until you have successfully completed the level 1 exam and spent some time using the secondary products listed below.
Level 2 Exam Details:
- Products included on the exam: Expect advanced applications for all of the products included on the level 1 exam PLUS Blogger, Google Books, Drive Add-ons, Chrome Webstore, Google+, and Google Maps.
- Exam Format: 15-20 questions (matching, ordering, multiple-choice) + 10-12 practical exam scenarios
- Exam Fee: $25
- Time Limit: 180 minutes
- Scoring: Pass/Fail
- Retesting Rules: 3 times in one calendar year
- Certification Length: 36 months (re-take exam to re-certify)
Google Certified Trainer
Certified Trainer program is not for teachers. It is for educators who support the use of technology in the classroom.
The trainer certification is one of the more difficult Google certifications.
If you are an instructional technologist, technology integrator, media specialists or TOSA, the Certified Trainer program might be a good fit for you.
Certified Trainers are responsible for supporting teachers who use Google products in the classroom by organizing professional development programs and opportunities.
To become a Google Certified Trainer you must hold a Level 1 and Level 2 certification and complete the certified trainer application.
All educators are welcome to apply however not all applicants are accepted into the program.
Google Certified Trainer Program Details :
Prerequisites: Hold a valid Level 1 and Level 2 certificate.
Complete Trainer Skills Assessment
- Exam Format: 25 multiple choice and matching questions
- Exam Fee: $15
- Time Limit: 90 minutes
- Scoring: 80% required to pass
- Retesting Rules: 3 times in one calendar year
- Certification Length: 12 months (take re-certification exam annually)
- Exam Content: Change management, privacy and security policies related to G Suite for Education, product configuration questions, admin console settings, professional development theory.
Certified Trainer Application
- Provide biographical and organization information
- Answer application essay questions
- Upload 3 minute training video
On-going Requirements
If you are accepted into the program you must complete these requirements every 12 months to maintain your certification:
- Maintain a valid Level 1 and 2 certification (re-certify every 36 months)
- Complete and log a minimum of 12 training/coaching sessions.
- Share at least one resources with the certified trainer resource repository.
- Complete an annual product update assessment.
Google Certified Innovator
Are you interested in trying to solve challenging problems? Then you might have what it takes to be a Certified Innovator
Innovators are invited to spend two days at Google exploring how technology can improve the world. Unlike the other certifications, the Innovator program is a competitive program. Many apply but only a few are chosen making this one of the more difficult Google certifications.
Each year Google will announce 2-4 innovator academies. Applications for the program open 2-3 months before the academy. Visit the innovator website or follow @GoogleEDU on Twitter to be notified when a new cohort is announced.
Google Certified Trainer Program Details :
Prerequisites: Hold a valid Level 2 certificate (Level 1 is not required, but I recommend that you do it anyway).
Certified Innovator Application
- Provide resume and biographical information
- Answer application essay questions
- Create innovation project video
- Create innovation slide deck
Google Certified Administrator
If you are involved in configuring and managing your districts Google Admin Console you might want to consider taking the Certified Administrator exam.
This is the only Google certification that focuses on the Admin Console.
This certification is ideal for IT Directors and other individuals who support the infrastructure of G Suite for Education such as Certified Trainers who have access to the Google Admin Console.
This exam format is similar to the level 1 and 2 educator exams as it requires active use of the Google Admin console to complete a series of common administrative tasks.
Google has developed a comprehensive study course to help you prepare for the admin certification exam.
Note: as of March 2018 the administrator exam is currently being updated and is not available for purchase. The updated exam is expected to be available in the spring of 2018.
Certified Administrator Exam Details:
- Exam Format: 15-20 practical exam scenarios
- Exam Fee: $100
- Time Limit: 120 minutes
- Scoring: Pass/Fail
- Retesting Rules: 3 times in one calendar year
- Certification Length: 24 months (re-take exam to re-certify)
You now have a solid overview of the purpose and details for all five Google certifications.
In most cases, you will want to start with the level 1 certification and work your way up.
I know there is a lot here. You are welcome to download a PDF copy of this Google certification guide for easy access.
I have created a variety of resources, guides, courses, and on-site events designed to help you earn your Google Certification!
I would recommend signing up for my free Google Certification email course (below). That would be a great next step.
If you prefer something a little more interactive, RSVP for my next LIVE certification webinar![/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner content_placement=”middle” css=”.vc_custom_1517806288098{background-image: url(http://www.geducator.com/wp-content/uploads/Recurso-2dark-blue-background.png?id=2780) !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}” el_class=”dark-blue-background”][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″ css=”.vc_custom_1517418986879{padding-top: 10% !important;padding-bottom: 10% !important;padding-left: 10% !important;}”][us_single_image image=”2701″ size=”full” align=”center”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″ css=”.vc_custom_1517414255905{padding-top: 10% !important;padding-right: 10% !important;padding-bottom: 10% !important;padding-left: 5% !important;}”][vc_column_text]
Join my free Google Certification Course!
5 days of resources and tips to help you become a Google Certified Educator. Delivered right to your inbox.[/vc_column_text][vc_raw_html]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[/vc_raw_html][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner css=”.vc_custom_1517415284257{padding-top: 25px !important;}”][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″][vc_column_text el_class=”author-box”]
by John Sowash
January 15, 2018[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][us_sharing align=”right” facebook=”1″ twitter=”1″ gplus=”1″ linkedin=”” pinterest=””][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner css=”.vc_custom_1517415186927{padding-top: 20px !important;}”][us_separator color=”custom” bdcolor=”rgba(59,73,73,0.12)”][tommusrhodus_visual_composer_comments][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″ css=”.vc_custom_1517414302331{padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;}” el_id=”resources-sidebar” el_class=”resources-sidebar”][geducator_show_resource show_resource=”2757″][geducator_show_resource show_resource=”2675″][geducator_show_resource][/vc_column][/vc_row]